Pros of Cell Phones in School

In spite of the fact that much of the public debate on this issue is against it, there are some pros to allowing students to use cell phones in school. It should not be forgotten that cell phones have many advantages in schools, since they have the potential to actually add value to the educational experience, rather than simply detract from it.

Instant Communication

Although you might hope that you will never have to do this, there are times when you need to reach out to your school-aged child while he or she is in class. There may be reasons why he or she will be required to attend an emergency family gathering, such as a death in the family, an accident, or any other emergency that may require their attention.

  • In addition to allowing you to call your child directly, you also help relieve the school’s administrative team’s workload by being able to reach them directly.
  • It is also very helpful for students to have their phones with them during recess and lunch, as they may be unable to find each other during these times.
  • If parents had the ability to call their children after school as well as vice versa, this could reduce the problems parents have with knowing where their children are at the end of the day.

It is easy and discreet to communicate with others through text messages.

Learning Aid

There are a number of applications that can be used by students who own a smartphone as a way of assisting them in learning. It is not uncommon for these smartphones to have programs that are very similar to those found on a laptop or desktop computer. On a number of phones, you can access the internet quickly in order to find out information that you need.

When a student needs assistance with classwork and does not have access to a computer, a smartphone can be used in a very short time to assist them. For schools that cannot afford to purchase technology for every student, cell phones can often be the most cost effective solution, according to the National Education Association (NEA).

Memory Aids

Cell phones have been shown to be beneficial for students when reviewing and preparing for exams or tests, as studies have shown. It is easy for children to take pictures in class using their cell phones nowadays since most of them have a camera. 

In science class, for example, students may be exposed to certain creatures, plants, and other things that they probably won’t encounter anywhere else, such as animals, plants, and so on. This is great for science teachers to use in their lessons. In comparison to simply sketching out a few ideas on the fly, this is a much more effective method.

It is also possible to use pictures in the following ways:

  • An assignment that requires photography
  • An example of a whiteboard discussion should be photographed
  • Provide students with a step-by-step process to help them remember it

In some hands-on courses, students can benefit from reviewing photos later so that they have a better understanding of the procedure in metalworking, woodworking or other courses.


Nearly every mobile phone has a built-in calendar function and this can be very useful for kids who have a hard time remembering test dates, assignment due dates and other such details where time is of the essence. By putting these in a cell phone organizer and assigning an alarm, they’ll never forget again! After all, paper-based agendas and notebooks can be easily lost, forgotten, overlooked or scribbled over.

Voice Notes

The voice recording feature of cell phones can be beneficial to students who would like a quick way to keep track of what they need to do. After all, students may not always have immediate access to a notepad, so using a cell phone to “jot down” important information can be helpful. There are numerous voice memo apps that can be useful for both teachers and students in a classroom.

GPS Tracking

GPS tracking can be a benefit of cell phones to parents who want to be able to keep tabs on their children’s whereabouts. Use GPS to track a cell phone can provide peace of mind to concerned parents and teachers if a student is reported missing or has gone somewhere of concern. GPS tracking can also inform parents that their children have arrived to and from school safely.

Store Emergency Contact Information

Important phone numbers can be easily stored in cell phones. For students, this can be important in case they become sick while at school or are in an emergency situation. Their cell phone can contain important numbers such as their parent’s work, doctor’s office, dentist, and who to call in case of an emergency, as well as numbers of close family members and friends.

Classroom Collaboration

Cell phones can assist in providing a modern alternative to standard teaching and can encourage student participation. For example:

  • The website platform Poll Everywhere permits teachers to create poll questions to which students can respond via their cell phones.
  • Students can also use cell phones to collaborate with each other and also to connect with children in other schools or geographic areas.
  • They can also connect students to specialists in specific subjects for assistance or advice.

Modern Living

Cell phones have unquestionably become fixtures in everyday life for most adults. In fact, Pearson Education found that 82% of high school students use mobile devices regularly. Cell phones will not only be a part of their everyday lives now and in the future, but will also be important in many careers. Knowing how to use mobile devices effectively is an important skill to have in modern society. Incorporating mobile technology in the classroom is key to preparing your students for the future.

Classroom Research Tool

Smartphones are equipped with calculators, a plethora of apps, the internet, and research tools. Showing students how to use their cell phones to seek out information and educate themselves is a great lesson to promote. Research suggests that students are using social networks to find answers to questions that they don’t understand or know. 

If students and teachers collaborate and collectively seek out concepts that are confusing, using cell phones to do so can be an incredibly powerful tool that expands teachers’ lesson plans for the better.

Promotes Student Independence

Enabling students to use their phones in the classroom inherently develops trust between the students and their teacher. Although phones can cause distraction, creating highly engaging lesson plans where the students are actively using their phones to find answers can be a great way to promote healthy cell phone usage for the purpose of learning.

Fosters Trust Between Students and Teachers

Teachers that allow students to use their cellphones in class must be able to trust that their students are participating appropriately. To do so, it’s important to introduce engaging content, and monitor cell phone usage. This creates a great opportunity for teachers to model healthy cell phone usage for their students. 

This means that the teacher and students work together while using their cell phones during the lesson plan and disengage from using their phones when not appropriate.

Creates More Inclusive Learning Environment

For students who learn and/or communicate differently, using their cell phone as a learning and communicating aid can make a world of difference. Allowing cell phones in the classroom opens up the door for many students who are differently abled to be able to participate and thrive in the classroom setting, where they would otherwise have difficulty.

Remember to Weigh Both Sides

Students bringing a phone to school has both positive and negative consequences. Many schools have set rules in place regarding cell phones and whether they are permitted in the school or classroom. Parents can decide whether their child should bring a phone to school – as long as it is not against the rules – and set appropriate guidelines regarding the use of the phone.

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